Wednesday, June 16, 2010

God's Promise

Vacation Bible School was a little rough tonight. We had some rain last night, but tonight it was a little different. Wind conditions were extreme, and there was rumor of large size hail. The building lost power. 200 people in one school cafeteria makes for some loud conversations! Some good conversations that were long overdue, and some tension with people that are still unsure, and misguided.
When we finally left the building, it was still raining a little bit, the power was still not on, but we got into the van and off we go!! As we turned the corner to get to our street, lightening was flashing, thunder rolling, and the most beautiful double rainbow was stretched from one side of the block to the other. Right over our house! It seemed as if God was re~telling me that He is in control, and He remembers the Promise He made~ oh so long ago.
I should also keep remembering.~
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Friday, June 4, 2010

More abstract pictures. From this blog on...I will be using my new CAMERA!!!!!! (Thanks for taking the beating, Andrew! You are awesome!!!) Canon is my weapon (YAY me!!) out, I may just get you unannounced!
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The Abstract

What is it about abstract things that I identify with lately? Abstract life, food, home, academics, schedule? Could be. Mostly I think it is just that there are so many questions that need to be answered; that will not be answered. So abstract is this situation, that it brings me to tears almost daily. I believe eventually, that will subside. So many were and are being hurt. So much hatred has accumulated. Abstract information, lies, really, are doing so much damage to everyday living. I pray for healing and closure for all who are involved. Swiftly, Lord, heal us.
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Designers heaven...

Designers heaven...
I know where everything is!



oooh aaaah

oooh aaaah
lookit all the colors...

passions come and go...

passions come and go...
I'll always love to sew!

Here are those crazy cat~eye glasses again

Here are those crazy cat~eye glasses again


in the event that I cannot find my shoes!

My life...

My life...
these three are ME!!!

Flower doodle dreams

Flower doodle dreams


trying NOT to pet the bees

Clearwater Shells

Clearwater Shells
so pretty! and so many!!

Barbara Manatee

Barbara Manatee

Pelican drifting on the water

Pelican drifting on the water

Clearwater FL Gulls...

Clearwater FL Gulls...
"if we can't feed 'em ... chase 'em!!!!

Corban's ClearWater Beach, FL

Corban's ClearWater Beach, FL

We found STARFISH...

We found STARFISH...
the one on the bottom we had to put back...he was screaming for Spongebob so loudly in the night that it just wasn't worth it!!

we found seashells on the gulf shore

we found seashells on the gulf shore

Silly little doggie

Silly little doggie
dog with cat~eye glasses



Corban looking for bees to pet...

Corban looking for bees to pet...







Cornhole is so cool...

Cornhole is so cool...
if you throw the bags juuuuust right!!

Corban in dance mode!

Corban in dance mode!


you must do something with that hair...


I didn't know a pirate could be 6'4"!

Jarod, silly Jarod.

Jarod, silly Jarod.
We will miss you, Brother!

Shelby and Haley

Shelby and Haley
Accountability Counts!

Tuesday Dinner...

Tuesday Dinner...

Side Dish...

Side Dish...
Carrot Soup