Monday, September 1, 2008

'Officially' the First Day of Academia 2008

                                    Here it is! Labor Day, and our traditional FDoA!
  The Lord was so good to me last night; Dan was on shift at the firehouse, and as we were reading 'Hitty'  the Hauger book of the month, we heard loud explosions and fire engines... immediate prayer for the hedge of protection... and pick up the book again without hesitation.  Of course, after two more loud bangs, at the end of the chapter, Haley and I  ran to the back porch to see what we could see. Nothing. So we prayed again, and went to bed. 
 Sleeping, or so I thought, was going to be out of the question for me, since Dan was not to be home until 7am.  Thanks, God for the night of sleep!  ~ \0/ ~ And for the spirit of calm that You have always given me when my dear hubby is on shift for the 24 hours of his shift. I know that he is ultimately in Your hands, and the other guys he is with will do whatever they can to keep him safe, as he does them.
 As for academia this morning, we will start off with 'Picture This!' ,a Bible study where we will draw our own Bible in full by the end of the year!  COOL! {I think I purchased this product in 1996! Been WAITING for the kids to be ready!}  I just can't wait for the kids to share it with the families outside of our little four person circle!
  Blessings and prayers to our home school friends, few that they may be, strong and mighty for the LORD!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

What did the explosions end up being?

You are an inspiration, Sheryl.

Love you,

Designers heaven...

Designers heaven...
I know where everything is!



oooh aaaah

oooh aaaah
lookit all the colors...

passions come and go...

passions come and go...
I'll always love to sew!

Here are those crazy cat~eye glasses again

Here are those crazy cat~eye glasses again


in the event that I cannot find my shoes!

My life...

My life...
these three are ME!!!

Flower doodle dreams

Flower doodle dreams


trying NOT to pet the bees

Clearwater Shells

Clearwater Shells
so pretty! and so many!!

Barbara Manatee

Barbara Manatee

Pelican drifting on the water

Pelican drifting on the water

Clearwater FL Gulls...

Clearwater FL Gulls...
"if we can't feed 'em ... chase 'em!!!!

Corban's ClearWater Beach, FL

Corban's ClearWater Beach, FL

We found STARFISH...

We found STARFISH...
the one on the bottom we had to put back...he was screaming for Spongebob so loudly in the night that it just wasn't worth it!!

we found seashells on the gulf shore

we found seashells on the gulf shore

Silly little doggie

Silly little doggie
dog with cat~eye glasses



Corban looking for bees to pet...

Corban looking for bees to pet...







Cornhole is so cool...

Cornhole is so cool...
if you throw the bags juuuuust right!!

Corban in dance mode!

Corban in dance mode!


you must do something with that hair...


I didn't know a pirate could be 6'4"!

Jarod, silly Jarod.

Jarod, silly Jarod.
We will miss you, Brother!

Shelby and Haley

Shelby and Haley
Accountability Counts!

Tuesday Dinner...

Tuesday Dinner...

Side Dish...

Side Dish...
Carrot Soup