Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Running around the neighborhood

What makes the world look so good, when the possibility of Heaven has been here since... well, Creation? Why do we let the evil one who controls this world, control us? That is, whether we are in or out of the family of Christ. We do it, too. Yup. Yup. We let the world entice us with all of its pleasures. We let Satan know that he has won for the moment, when we listen to his lies. NO one loves me. No one cares if I am here. No one wants to help. Does anyone else just want to YELL!?!?!??!?!?! Jesus is the ONLY way to survive in this world. Jesus is the one who gives us the free will to choose. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to choose... just let Him hold me in the crook of His arm and rock me to sleep. Singing lullabys and loving me in the most perfect way He does. I feel His love. I try not to let the evil one here get to me. I really do YELL at Satan. Ask my kids. We shout "Jesus LOVES Me" and , boy, does that evil one RUN!!!!!! He really doesn't like to hear us. He doesn't come around here much anymore. But sometimes, he shows up somewhere else. Places where I can still be affected. People who don't know the TRUTH. Or, people who refuse to let Him in. To let Him take the burdens. To let Him have them, wholly, Holy. Can anybody give me a shout out? Bind the devil from your family. Run around the neighborhood binding him from their houses too. Who cares if they call you a Religious fanatic. It's actually kinda fun. Really. ask my kids.

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Designers heaven...

Designers heaven...
I know where everything is!



oooh aaaah

oooh aaaah
lookit all the colors...

passions come and go...

passions come and go...
I'll always love to sew!

Here are those crazy cat~eye glasses again

Here are those crazy cat~eye glasses again


in the event that I cannot find my shoes!

My life...

My life...
these three are ME!!!

Flower doodle dreams

Flower doodle dreams


trying NOT to pet the bees

Clearwater Shells

Clearwater Shells
so pretty! and so many!!

Barbara Manatee

Barbara Manatee

Pelican drifting on the water

Pelican drifting on the water

Clearwater FL Gulls...

Clearwater FL Gulls...
"if we can't feed 'em ... chase 'em!!!!

Corban's ClearWater Beach, FL

Corban's ClearWater Beach, FL

We found STARFISH...

We found STARFISH...
the one on the bottom we had to put back...he was screaming for Spongebob so loudly in the night that it just wasn't worth it!!

we found seashells on the gulf shore

we found seashells on the gulf shore

Silly little doggie

Silly little doggie
dog with cat~eye glasses



Corban looking for bees to pet...

Corban looking for bees to pet...







Cornhole is so cool...

Cornhole is so cool...
if you throw the bags juuuuust right!!

Corban in dance mode!

Corban in dance mode!


you must do something with that hair...


I didn't know a pirate could be 6'4"!

Jarod, silly Jarod.

Jarod, silly Jarod.
We will miss you, Brother!

Shelby and Haley

Shelby and Haley
Accountability Counts!

Tuesday Dinner...

Tuesday Dinner...

Side Dish...

Side Dish...
Carrot Soup